Vegas Winners!

Welcome to the BCA Pool League

Come play in the Carolinas BCA Pool League. BCA provides the most accurate and universally player ratings by using a Fargo Rate. You get an established Fargo Rate after 200 games are played. If you are a 400 in Scotland, you will be a 400 in Arizona.

You can start your 8 ball In-House division with 12 players. 3 man teams (can have 6 players). 6 players are sent to Vegas. You can choose a player from the entire league to attend Vegas with your team. Your team FargoRate can not exceed 2750 totaled together for Vegas. 9 Ball can be 3 or 4 man teams with 5 players. Your team FargoRate for 9 ball cannot exceed 1650 or 1800.

  • Next session for 8, 9 & 10 ball starts April 18, 2024
Come join the fun or create your own team at your location. We look forward to you competing for the trip to Vegas.
2/19/2025 - 3/1/2025

The BCA Pool League was founded in 1978 by the Billiard Congress of America (BCA) to unify independent local leagues around the world. In 2004, the BCA decided to primarily focus on being a trade association and sold the BCA Pool League to CueSports International(CSI). Because it was so well-known, the BCA Pool League name was retained. Note: Billiard Congress of America is not affiliated with the BCA Pool League. The “BCA” in BCA Pool League now stands for Billiards & Cue Sports Association.

For further information contact:


Office: (704) 340-4846

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