Carolina’s BCA By-Laws

Cue Sports International Rules apply if not addressed below.



·       There is a $20.00 annual membership fee to be a BCA league member.

* Membership fee is due the 1st time you play in the new year.

·        All league members will pay $10.00 per match played. If you play twice, you pay twice.

* Once the league starts, the team is responsible for the full fee each week. If your team drops out, the team is still responsible for the total dues of the whole session and you do not receive a payout.

·    It requires at least 200 games played to establish you as a FargoRate player. 

·       FIRST download the FargoRate APP & sign in. This is a free APP; you do not have to pay for it. BE SURE TO REMBER YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD 

·   Mark your favorite teams under the tear drop in the bottom right corner.

·        SECOND download the BCAPL scorer APP and sign in with the SAME USERNAME AND PASSWORD you used to sign into the FargoRate APP.

·    THIRD never try to use the BCAPL APP before you have logged into the FargoRate APP successfully.


·        Recommended to have 5 players per team, although you can have 6 players on a roster. 3 players play each week, (6 total games per player) 

·   Each team’s player will play the opposing team players twice in a league match.

·        No teams can be added after a session starts.

·  Players can be added up to week 10 of the 15-week session.

·        New players must be added to the roster prior to playing. Please contact a league representative for new player additions.

·      In the event you do not have enough players, one player can play twice on three occasions per session without penalty.

·        TEAM FOULING: There are two ways to foul;

1.   Each time your team does not have the required number of players and a player must play twice.

2.   Each time you must substitute a player out during match play and the original 3 players do not complete their matches as scheduled.


o   If a team exceeds 3 fouls, they will be penalized on the fourth foul and every foul there after.

o   The penalty for 8 ball is 10 points per round. 

§  EXAMPLE: If your team must have a player play twice, your team will be penalized 10 points per round for the 3 rounds that night.  A total of 30 points per night.

§  EXAMPLE: If you must substitute a player out, your team will be penalized 10 points for each round the substitution occurs.  If the substitute player plays one round, the team is penalized 10 points total.  If the substitute player plays two rounds, the team will be penalized 20 points total.

o   The team that does not have the correct number of players will decide which player plays twice through the first 10 weeks of the session. After week 10 if your team does not have the correct number of players, it will be the opposing team’s choice which player plays twice.

o   Players are expected to play each week, only under special circumstances should a player have to play twice.  You are allowed 6 players per team so hopefully this is a non-issue.

· Each team should designate a team captain that designates who is playing that week & who will keep score. All team members should know how to keep score. The captain should have all team members’ contact information.

·        One player from each team keeps score. Score keepers are required to compare scores after each round. Pay close attention to the names and the scores, both must match for the scoring to be correct. It is easy to put a wrong name in. Adjustments to scores may be made after checking for errors each time matches are completed. At times, adjustments to scoresheets must be made by the league operator. Please make sure you match at the end of the night prior to submitting the match.

·  Each team receives a payout per session based on division standings. This will be based on total division income.

·    To qualify for Las Vegas, you must play for 8 weeks on the same team within the same session.

·    Only 1 player with a FargoRate of 700 or above is allowed on a team. 

(See Playoffs & Vegas Qualifying)



Rack your own balls, you must have opposing balls in the bottom rear corners. Your opponent can inspect the rack.

·   To perform a legal break, 4 balls must hit a rail.  If your break is illegal, your inning ends, and your opponent will re-rack & break OR your opponent can have you re-rack and break.

·        If you pocket a ball on the break, the table is open.

·   If you scratch on the break, your opponent gets ball in hand anywhere on the table.

·        If you pocket the 8 ball on the break and do not foul, you spot the 8 ball and play the table in position OR re-rack and break again.

·       If you pocket the 8 ball on the break and foul your inning ends and your opponent can either spot the 8 ball and take ball in hand anywhere on the table OR re-rack and break their own balls.

·    Call your pocket.  Failure to call your pocket is a foul & your opponent gets ball in hand.

·  If you call a pocket and your ball goes in a different pocket, you lose your turn. Your opponent DOES NOT get ball in hand.  They shoot from where the cue ball lands.

·      Any balls jumped off the table or illegally pocketed balls stay down but count for that players group of balls.

·       YOU MUST ATTEMPT A SHOT. You cannot pick up the cue ball and give your opponent ball in hand because you do not like the shot.

·        You do not have to call a Defense shot.

·   When you call a safety and pocket your ball (or your opponent’s ball) as long as you hit your suit first and if you leave the cue ball hidden, your opponent must play from there or wherever the cue ball lies because you called a safety. (Safety applies when you have made a legal hit and pocketed your ball)

·    You receive 1 point for each ball made and 1 point for each of your opponent’s balls left on the table.  You receive 3 points for the 8 ball. *Winner gets 10 points plus one point for each of their opponent’s balls left on the table. Score should always equal 17.

·       Do not remove any balls from the table after the game is over until the score is posted on the APP by both score keepers.

·   The scoring system automatically gives 17 points for a forfeit.  Forfeits will be adjusted in 8 ball to give you 9 points per forfeit.  Please notify the league operator when a forfeit occurs so it can be adjusted correctly in a timely manner.

·    It is recommended to play each game in order (if you play out of round make sure the score is put in the right place.)

·        No time outs or coaching allowed while you are shooting. When your opponent is shooting you may talk to your teammates.

·   NO makeup matches are allowed.  You can pre-play matches if necessary. If you do not have a player to complete a match it will be considered a forfeit and forfeit points will apply, use WF in the scoring APP. Please inform the league operator of this.

·      All matches should be completed on or before the night of play. Failure to submit matches on the date of completion will result in a 20 point penalty to both teams. 

· Loss of Game can occur in the following circumstances:                            

1. You illegally pocket the 8 ball (Early 8)                                             

2.   You jump the 8 ball off the table on any shot other than the break.       

3.   You pocket the 8 ball on the same shot as the last ball of your group.  

4.   You pocket the 8 ball in a pocket that is not called.     

5.   You make the 8 ball and scratch.

·      It is NOT a Loss of Game if you scratch or foul on the 8 ball and the 8 ball is not pocketed.  If this occurs, your opponent gets ball in hand.


     SCORING TIPS – choose these options on the scoring APP.

·        BR (Break & Run): Breaking & clearing all the balls.

·        WF (Win by Forfeit)

·        TR (Table Run): The nonbreaking player wins by clearing all balls during their first time at the table. (If score is 16TR-1, please put 16 beside TR)

·    WZ (Win-Zip): Hold your opponent to zero points but does not have a BR or TR


·   6 players per team, 3 players play each week (6 total games per player)

·        Each team’s player will play the opposing team players twice in a league match.

·        TEAM FOULING: There are two ways to foul;

1.   Each time your team does not have the required number of players and a player must play twice.

2.   Each time you must substitute a player out during match play and the original 3 players do not complete their matches as scheduled.


o   If a team exceeds 3 fouls, they will be penalized on the fourth foul and every foul thereafter.

o   The penalty for 10 ball is 1 point per round. 

§  EXAMPLE: If your team must have a player play twice, your team will be penalized 1 point per round for the 3 rounds that night.  A total of 3 points per night.

§  EXAMPLE: If you must substitute a player out, your team will be penalized 1 point for each round the substitution occurs.  If the substitute player plays one round, the team is penalized 1 point total.  If the substitute player plays two rounds, the team will be penalized 2 points total.

o   The team that does not have the correct number of players will decide which player plays twice through the first 10 weeks of the session. After week 10 if your team does not have the correct number of players, it will be the opposing team’s choice which player plays twice.

o   Players are expected to play each week, only under special circumstances should a player have to play twice.  You are allowed 6 players per team so hopefully this is a non-issue.

· Each team should designate a team captain that designates who is playing that week & who will keep score. All team members should know how to keep score. The captain should have all team members’ contact information.

·        One player from each team keeps score. Score keepers are required to compare scores after each round. Pay close attention to the names and the scores, both must match for the scoring to be correct. It is easy to put a wrong name in. Adjustments to scores may be made after checking for errors each time matches are completed. At times, adjustments to scoresheets must be made by the league operator. Please make sure you match at the end of the night prior to submitting the match.

·  Each team receives a payout per session based on division standings. This will be based on total division income.

·     To qualify for Las Vegas, you must play for 8 weeks on the same team within the same session.

·    Only 1 player with a FargoRate of 700 or above is allowed on a team. 

(See Playoffs & Vegas Qualifying)



·        When racking the 2 & 3 Balls must be the back wing balls.

·        We do not use the 3 foul rule.

·        You are allowed to jump.

·        You can push off the break.

·        No early 10, the 10 ball gets spotted if made out of turn.

·      You can use the 10 ball to continue shooting.  The 10 ball will be spotted.

·        YOU MUST ATTEMPT A SHOT. You cannot pick up the cue ball and give your opponent ball in hand.

·        You must call your pocket.  If a ball is pocketed not in the called pocket your opponent can shoot OR require you to shoot again.  Your opponent does not get ball in hand.

·        No time outs or coaching allowed while you are shooting. When your opponent is shooting you may talk to your teammates.

·  The scoring system automatically gives 1 point for a forfeit. Forfeits will be adjusted in 10 ball to give you a .5 point per forfeit.  Please notify the league operator when a forfeit occurs so it can be adjusted correctly in a timely manner.

· No makeup matches. You can pre-play matches if necessary. If you do not have a player to complete a match it will be considered a forfeit and forfeit points will apply, use WF in the scoring APP. Please inform the league operator of this.

·      All matches should be completed on or before the night of play. Failure to submit matches on the date of completion will result in a 2 point penalty to both teams. 

·        Only qualified players can play in the playoffs.



·   6 players per team, 4 players play each week (8 total games per player)

·        Each team’s player will play the opposing team players twice in a league match.

·        TEAM FOULING: There are two ways to foul;

1.   Each time your team does not have the required number of players and a player must play twice.

2.   Each time you must substitute a player out during match play and the original 3 players do not complete their matches as scheduled.


o   If a team exceeds 3 fouls, they will be penalized on the fourth foul and every foul thereafter.

o   The penalty for 9 ball is 1 point per round. 

§  EXAMPLE: If your team must have a player play twice, your team will be penalized 1 point per round for the 3 rounds that night.  A total of 3 points per night.

§  EXAMPLE: If you must substitute a player out, your team will be penalized 1 point for each round the substitution occurs.  If the substitute player plays one round, the team is penalized 1 point total.  If the substitute player plays two rounds, the team will be penalized 2 points total.

o   The team that does not have the correct number of players will decide which player plays twice through the first 10 weeks of the session. After week 10 if your team does not have the correct number of players, it will be the opposing team’s choice which player plays twice.

o   Players are expected to play each week, only under special circumstances should a player have to play twice.  You are allowed 6 players per team so hopefully this is a non-issue.

· Each team should designate a team captain that designates who is playing that week & who will keep score. All team members should know how to keep score. The captain should have all team members’ contact information.

·        One player from each team keeps score. Score keepers are required to compare scores after each round. Pay close attention to the names and the scores, both must match for the scoring to be correct. It is easy to put a wrong name in. Adjustments to scores may be made after checking for errors each time matches are completed. At times, adjustments to scoresheets must be made by the league operator. Please make sure you match at the end of the night prior to submitting the match.

·  Each team receives a payout per session based on division standings. This will be based on total division income.

·    To qualify for Las Vegas, you must play for 8 weeks on the same team within the same session.

·     Only 1 player with a FargoRate of 700 or above is allowed on a team. 

(See Playoffs & Vegas Qualifying)



·        You are allowed to jump.

·        You can push off the break.

·        You do not have to call your pocket as long as a legal hit is made on the object ball.

·        9 Ball is always live and can be made out of turn, as long as a legal hit was made on the object ball.  If the 9 ball is made out of turn and a legal hit was made it is considered a win.

·   If you make a legal hit on the object ball and make another ball from that hit, you continue shooting.

·        Pocketing the 9 ball off the break is considered a win.

·      The three foul rule is in effect.  A foul is considered any action that gives your opponent ball in hand.  This must be done 3 consecutive times at your turn at the table.  EXAMPLES of FOULS: scratching on the break, scratching on your shot while you are at the table and not making a legal hit. 

·        YOU MUST ATTEMPT A SHOT. You cannot pick up the cue ball and give your opponent ball in hand because you do not like the shot.

·        No time outs or coaching allowed while you are shooting. When your opponent is shooting you may talk to your teammates.

·  The scoring system automatically gives 1 point for a forfeit. Forfeits will be adjusted in 9 ball to give you a .5 point per forfeit.  Please notify the league operator when a forfeit occurs so it can be adjusted correctly in a timely manner.

· No makeup matches. You can pre-play matches if necessary. If you do not have a player to complete a match it will be considered a forfeit and forfeit points will apply, use WF in the scoring APP. Please inform the league operator of this.

·        Only qualified players can play in the playoffs.



***A minimum of one 8 Ball team and one 10 Ball team will be sent to Las Vegas to compete in the BCA Pool League World Championship with a $6,000.00 payout to the winning teams***




·        At the end of each year (normally in December) the first-place team of each division and a wildcard team of each division of the three sessions will make playoffs.

·    The wildcard drawing for each division will be held the first week of the following session except for the third session; this drawing will be the last week of the session.

·        Only qualified players are allowed to play in the playoffs.

·    To maintain your spot for playoffs, at least 3 of the original players must remain on the team.

·       League players must play at least 8 weeks in 1 session on the same team to qualify for Vegas.

·   Players must play a minimum of 5 weeks in the last session of the year on a qualified team. 

·    Up to 3 players can be added to a team, provided 3 original players remain on the roster. They must be on the team’s roster before the last session and be qualified for Las Vegas prior to the playoffs.

·    The same team cannot have more than one spot in the playoffs.

·     Only 1 player who has a FargoRate of 700 or above is allowed on a team. FargoRate of 720 is considered a professional player.  This player can play in league and playoffs, but they are NOT allowed to play in Vegas for the team.  However, they can play in the Alfa Las Vegas.  This is where pros compete as a warmup for Vegas while you are competing in BCA.

·   If your teams wins to compete in Vegas and all your players do not have 200 games, you are subject to BCA placing you in a higher division than originally signed up for. 


  • The total FargoRate of the three selected players will determine the handicap.
  • The determined handicap will be applied to EACH round, a total of 3 rounds per match. (9 total games)
  • In the event of a tie, the tie breaker will first be determined by rounds won.  If this does not result in a winner, the tie breaker will then be determined by games won.
  • A minimum of one team will qualify for the 8 Ball National Championship and be allotted $6,000.00 for winning along with a paid registration fee for the division they select.  Carolina’s BCA will also provide proper attire as required.




·        Las Vegas is a 2-stage format based on the division that your team elects to play in.  There are 5 divisions to choose from.

·     Las Vegas allows for up to eight players on the roster with 5 CORE players and three SUBS.   The 5 CORE players total combined FargoRate (team max rating) cannot exceed the division limit that they have selected to compete in.

·    If adding players, these players did not have to participate in the playoffs for the winning team.  They can be added after, however any player that was a participant of the winning team MUST attend Las Vegas to receive their monies.

·  An added player DOES have to be qualified with a minimum of 8 games played in at least one session of the playing year on the same team.

·    Any player on the Las Vegas team that was not on the playoff winning team does not receive monies from Carolina’s BCA.

·        Your team will be playing on 2 tables at a time. 

·     *TIP when registering your team:  Because the combined FargoRate of the 5 CORE players cannot exceed the division limit and you can list subs, always list your lowest ranked players as the substitute.  Las Vegas will allow you to sub a lower player for a higher player, but you CANNOT sub a higher player for a lower player in any division. 


·        Playoffs will be played in the 10-ball format.

·      During playoffs, 3 players play per team per round using the FargoRate handicapped system. 

·  The total FargoRate of the three selected players will determine the handicap.

·      The determined handicap will be applied to EACH round, a total of 3 rounds per match. (9 total games)

·       In the event of a tie, the tie breaker will first be determined by rounds won.  If this does not result in a winner, the tie breaker will then be determined by games won.

·  A minimum of one team will qualify for the National Championships and be allotted $6,000.00 for winning along with a paid registration fee for the division they select and or single events.  Carolina’s BCA will also provide proper attire as required.



·       10 Ball is not an available format for team participation.  9 ball team format is available in two divisions, but you are not required to play in the 9 ball division if you chose not to.

·       10 Ball Playoff winners can decide what format they want to play in Las Vegas.



· You can attend the Las Vegas BCA tournament regardless of whether your team wins or not.

·        Play Scotch Doubles!

·        Play 8 Ball Singles!

·        Play 9 Ball Singles!

·        Bring a 8 Ball team!

·        Bring a 9 Ball team!

·        Bring a Ladies team!

·        Participate in Mini Tournaments!

·        Participate in Senior Tournaments!

·        Participate in FairMatch!

·        Participate in Junior League!

·        Watch the Pros!


·        We will have 2 Shootouts per year: Spring and Fall.

·        Spring Shootout will consist of the 2023 3rd session 8 and 10 ball winners and the 2024 1st session 8, 9 and 10 Ball winners for a cash tournament to be determined based on Division counts with a GAURANTEED $8,000 in Payouts.

·        The Spring Shootout will also have qualifiers from the 2023 8 and 9 Ball playoffs.

·        Fall Shootout will consist of the 2024 2nd session 8, 9 and 10 Ball Division winners. Cash payout for this tournament will be based on the 2024 2nd session division count.

·        Qualified teams consist of the players on the team when your team qualified.

·        Players must stay active but do not need to remain on the qualified team.  

·        This new format allows for our division winners to compete in a tournament after every session.


·        The Shootout will be a combination of 8 ball and 10 ball. 

·        3 Players per team will play.  Their combined FargoRate will determine the race against their opponent.  

·        Round Robin format, 1 game of 8 ball and 1 game of 10 ball.

·        Opponents will flip a coin; the winner of the coin toss will determine if they want to break first or choose which game will be played first. Both players will get to break in either 8 ball or 10 ball.

·        8 ball and 10 ball league rules apply to the shootout tournament.




You can find what place you are in and view your schedule on the FargoRate APP. You should check the APP weekly to check your weeks, you want to make sure you get 8 weeks in one session on the same team to qualify for Vegas. Remember to mark your team to see the information. You can also go to to view stats.

Carolinas BCA strives to give each and every player a fair and competitive pool league to participate in. We welcome any suggestions, feedback and/or concerns that you, as a valued player, may have to assist us in making Carolinas BCA a fun and friendly atmosphere for everyone.

>>> Click Here for a PDF version of the BCA Rules<<<